OK so I dont usually like to share my favorite shopping haunts - I like to ck em out just to see whats out there and the current prices (kinda like comps when you're buying a home LOL!).
These are in no particular order or preference - its just what I can remember:
SILVER HUNTRESSGood Selection with exceptional descriptions and appreciation for Silver
MAESTROS DE TAXCOThey do the highend shows across the country - ck their calander as my friend Katina insists they ALWAYS have the BEST stuff.
LA JOYERIAYou cant miss Sheila's taste for the good stuff in Taxco jewelry.
PATINAAlways a good stop for shopping Taxco.
SASSYS CLASSICSGreat selection and easy layaway - watch the pricing tho - its different from other sites...
DEJA VOODOOSee my previous posts about this site - super cool sterling from several periods and countries. FYI they LOVE American Modernist Midcentury items.
K BUENO Kim at K Bueno is great - her prices are good and I have bought stuff from her.
ESTATE 925They have a Hubert Harmon. How cool is that!?
And of course always ck your own local antique shows, shops, and estate dealers.
I have the sorry luck that the estate dealer I know likes and keeps Taxco stuff - Darn! The search continues...Let me know if you found anything cool.