I just got this necklace - I really like it and so did my kid who decided she should wear it. So its in her jewelery box. I don't have many Victoria pieces. Not sure if it's just too pricey for me or I simply don't come across her pieces very often. At any rate, this necklace is great - nice look and properly marked - always a must for me.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Victoria Taxco
I just got this necklace - I really like it and so did my kid who decided she should wear it. So its in her jewelery box. I don't have many Victoria pieces. Not sure if it's just too pricey for me or I simply don't come across her pieces very often. At any rate, this necklace is great - nice look and properly marked - always a must for me.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ck thisWebsite
I just came across this website - One Good Eye specializing in taxco sterling. There are some good high end designer pieces with prices to match. There are also some good knockoffs. But its worth exploring...
Monday, December 21, 2009
ANTONIO - Rest In Peace

Mr. Pineda past away December 14,2009. His obituary is in most large news publications.
How timely his exhibit was at the Fowler earlier this year.
Those who met him were indeed fortunate. As my abuelita would say: Que en Paz Descanse.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Antonio Necklace - POR
How cool is this Antonio Necklace?! - It matches my bracelet and I have searching high and low for this piece....So did you notice the POR? I hate the POR - its Price On Request - thats code for "Its-really-super-expensive-and-If-you-have-to-call-or-email-me-for-the-price-you-probably-cant-afford-it" Actually, I think I saw this some months ago emailed and its like $6,000. OK So I think I can wait for it to pop up on ebay...My patience is infinite...HaHa.
Feliz Navidad 2009

So its that time of year for elbowing other shoppers at the stores n malls. I'm not really doing a lot of Christmas shopping this season - Actually, I dont do much any season. I find its in direct conflict with my whole taxco acquisition goals.
I never have enuf funds to do both - for some odd reason the taxco always wins. LOL!! I did get a Matl pin that I paid too much for and was soooo disappointed with - it looks like a remake and I didnt notice the mark was applied on to the piece which I hate because it tells me that they were made separately. I didnt return it and just sucked it up - I need to pay closer attention to the details.
In my area the local Antique Shows have all but been done away with since we have a monthly Antique Show. Its sooo cold tho that I didnt go this month - -
My thanks to Marbeth Schon for the use of the christmas tree image...here is her website - love it visit it - cant say I have ever purchased anything tho...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Bracelets That I Like for Winter
Yeah, who doesnt have seasonal jewelry? I like the Pedro Castillo bracelet for winter cuz its called the snowflake bracelet - I guess cuz it looks like a snowflake. I'm sure it snows somewhere in Mexico, though I doubt that was the initial inspiration for this bracelet. I also posted the markings. I always like to see that pieces are marked like ppl say they are - - The Maguey Hector Aguilar is really nice, and yes, I do wear it during other times of the year. The Margot bracelet is really nice and big. I'm still looking for the matching necklace - in an affordable price range. Occasionally, it pops up on ebay but now I'm so reluctant to buy any Margot on ebay due to the number of fakes and repros.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Ck out this Blog
For all you taxco jewelry mavens ck out this blog - -
Same interests = mexican sterling silver jewelry - I like that we have the same interests......
Same interests = mexican sterling silver jewelry - I like that we have the same interests......
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Miguel Covarrubias Necklace Patzcuaro
Super nice authentic vintage Patzcuaro Necklace. The only other one I have seen is pictured in the Davis & Pack Mexican Jewelry book. Although there are no markings on this one at all this piece, note that the ones in the book are also unmarked. Produced by Mr. Jesus Cazares in the Patzcuaro region, these fish designs are continued to be made today - see oldbeads.com for a peek at whats coming out of there today. The design is a slightly varied but very wearable.
A look at the back looks like this may have started out as a pin slash brooch. When I got it, the pin was gone, and only one of the drilled holes had a broken chain hanging off of it...I removed that and added red dogbone shaped beads interspaced with sterling beads. Ya just like in the book...Go ahead, just try to find another just like it. Please email me if you do - I am always in the market.
I added a couple of my other Patzcuaro inspired necklaces. Also pictured in Davis n Pack - altho a couple of the fish are missing - I'm considering taking them to my jeweler to have some copies made. My jeweler is really good and pretty sure he can do it....Nice huh? Or do I need to get out more?
MY Mexican Folk Necklaces
I guess I kinda like these given I have more than 3 of each. I got the first one some years ago at a flea market. I thought they were different and I knew the beads were really old white hearts. Also, look at the old crucifix - prob made from old melted down copper coins. Its like an poor mans version of a crucifix. Very rustic - the other one is the same - like a rudimentary medallion of christ. The brass beads are really old - not sure how old these are and I have not seen this in any books (not even Donald Codry).
I was surprised recently to see these old reliquiarys (sp?) that they are soooo expensive. I guess they are somewhat rare - I dont hardly see them except on speciality websites for old religious items - never my first stop for shopping. Again, I was just interested in the beads and this just happened to be hanging off it...Its interspered with brass beads and small oval shaped beads that look like a cazo - a small pot if you will. Its great and in the permanent collection.
I'm not sure how it happened but I have ended up with several (more than three) coin necklaces. I was fascinated with these when I first saw a BLUE one in the film El Norte - the girl sells her necklace of silver coins and cobalt blue beads to be $$ to go north to the USA. I have not run into a blue coin necklace but I'm still looking. At any rate, these are old - the coins date from 1896 to 1920's - most have white hearts but I have one that has red bugle beads - -
Friday, October 16, 2009
Recent Acquisition - ANTONIO Yes!!
I cant believe I managed to score this one - actually, it might be two. You be the judge with the pics. First its the 'squares with lifted corners' 970 silver and black onyx on every other corner. Its nice and heavy. Thankfully, the previous owner did not polish it and the sender was kind enough not to polish. So even tho you think you are looking at tarnish, you are WRONG! Its actually a patina (rhymes with Katina). With 970 silver its takes a long time to tarnish. Thats the reason this particular designer used such a content of silver - almost pure. Cuz it doesnt tarnish - or if it does it takes a long time. Love it love it. So dont think this was a cheap - tho given the current state of affairs on ebay with Mexican silver, I think it was a good buy.
The other I got for under $100. Now I know what your thinking. But this one just sold on ebay for $900 - The Antonio Pineda puzzle bracelet. This one is 970 silver and is marked with the MCI in a guitar shaped stamp which has been associated with Antonio. So, I cant say for sure it is but I cant say it isnt either...anyway for the price I dont care either way its really nice. The only thing about this one is that after wearing it awhile I have no hair left on my wrist...ouch! It was slightly painful at first - of course, now my wrist is super smooth...lol!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Christie Romero
I'm sure you've heard but wanted to post that Christie Romero passed away early this month. I had the chance to meet Christie at the Mexican Silver Exhibit opening in San Antonio. She was so busy and didnt want to bother her so I sat and chatted with her husband (whose name I cant recall). He was great - supportive and there for Christie. They looked liked they just belonged together.
The Jewelry Center posted a little something - here is their link:
I know I will miss seeing her on Antiques Roadshow and reading her insightful and thoughful reviews on jewelry in any of her numerous books. She was generous with her knowledge and always had nothing but nice comments.
Thank you Christie!
The Jewelry Center posted a little something - here is their link:
I know I will miss seeing her on Antiques Roadshow and reading her insightful and thoughful reviews on jewelry in any of her numerous books. She was generous with her knowledge and always had nothing but nice comments.
Thank you Christie!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wannabe Los Castillo Brooch
I saw a very similar brooch on Marbeth Schon's website for like $900 - marked Los Castillo. Mine, altho wonderful, is marked only Taxco Sterling 980. I wanted to show the back so you can see the riviting and detailed work on this but the pic was too blurry. When I showed this double brooch to my friend Tere she exclaimed "Wow! I've never seen anything like this. Ever!" The highest complement indeed.
My Margot Yeah its a Fish
How hot is Margot? I keep hearing buzz about a new book due out - but I have yet to see it or hear more on it. If you hear anything, pls let me know. OK so I got this necklace some years ago - I was at the flea market with no $$ (typical for me) so I asked my dad for some and vioala! its mine. It was cheap too!! Yes, there is some enamel loss on one earring and the fish, but you have to admit, its great!
Some months ago I bought an alleged Margot necklace on ebay. Its the egyptian design with blue dangly links - I have the bracelet and wanted the necklace. Anyway, I am the high bidder and when I get it - its a re-make, a fake, a reproduction, an imposter. You get the idea. I was so upset - and you know if that was all that upset me that would be so cool...Anyway, after some email exchanges, and filing a comoplaint with ebay, I did get my money returned. All this to say, if you are in the market be wary and make sure you can return your item. I dont mind spending a few hundred dollars but it sure better be worth it. In this case my fish was cheap but slightly damaged but I know its real, authentic, and not a reproduction.
Some months ago I bought an alleged Margot necklace on ebay. Its the egyptian design with blue dangly links - I have the bracelet and wanted the necklace. Anyway, I am the high bidder and when I get it - its a re-make, a fake, a reproduction, an imposter. You get the idea. I was so upset - and you know if that was all that upset me that would be so cool...Anyway, after some email exchanges, and filing a comoplaint with ebay, I did get my money returned. All this to say, if you are in the market be wary and make sure you can return your item. I dont mind spending a few hundred dollars but it sure better be worth it. In this case my fish was cheap but slightly damaged but I know its real, authentic, and not a reproduction.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Spratling Necklace Iconic
I picked this up last fall at an antique show. I wish I could say I got a good price too but lets say I got it at a very reasonable price. The findings are interesting as both ends hook on to the main centerpiece. Hands holding flowers is probably the most recognizeable and copied of all Spratling pieces. Properly marked with WS and SPRATLING SILVER in oval cartouche.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ANTONIO Bracelet - Recent Acquisition

Severe Hawtness! I shop a LOT and I had never seen this bracelet until the Antonio Exhibit at the Fowler - its pictured in the catalog. Its a great piece. As I was wearing it, I was afraid that it would accidentally pop someones eye out with those protrusions! LOL! Just kidding - its a FABULOUS piece that is going into the permanent collection.

Monday, July 6, 2009
My New Antonio Brooch

Yeah its a new pin to the vast collection. This one is great - small, well in terms of Antonio, yet very modernist in design. The moonstone in this piece is really high - protruding up about 1/2 inch. So when viewed from the side its quite, well, erotic. Altho I dont think thats what Mr. Pineda had in mind (or did he?). Word is, he is quite a flirt and loves women....hmmmm.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
More Matl - Yup More
The key shaped is a brooch but the pin and the brooch part are missing. I think the previous owner wore it a a pendant cuz its bent at the top too. Despite its shortcomings this is an exceptional and rare piece. Marked with the old MATL marks and no MS-12 crap. The mirror is too cool. No missing pieces except for the darkend areas in the mirror, its in great shape. This one is marked MATL Salas - also no MS-12 crap.
My Margot de Taxco
Check out the two bracelets - they are matching and have the most interesting design half circles so it lays beautifully on your wrist. This sold recently on ebay for around $900 - I didnt pay that much but I got lucky cuz it was a sleeper...The Blue cabochon necklace have the matching bracelet - but I couldnt locate it in my vast jewlery box. The Green enamel leaf has the mathcing necklace currently located with my kid - its a great piece with matching earrings. I got it 20 years ago when no one knew who or what it is
My Salvador Madonna Necklace
I got this necklace off ebay - Its a damaged Salvador Teran. Its a nice carved Madonna centerpiece but her little hands are broken. The few I have seen are the same way - broken off little hands. Since I wanted to add a Salvador to my collection I went ahead and got it even with its imperfection....
My Armadillo Set - Wow!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Taxco Earrings I Dont Dare Wear
Here is a grip of SOME of my earring collection - I cant wear them cuz they are screwbacks and I always lose em when i wear em. Anyway, you should be able to pick out the THREE pairs of Antonio - two are are marked but the leaves ones aren't but the quality and design is so dead on it cant be any other designer. There are wanna be spratling flower earrings marked only Mexico - I have these is black hematite and purple amethysts. There is also a pair of Margot and a Martinez.
My Dots Bracelet & RING
I have two Dot Bracelets - One is the traditional and well known Los Ballesteros Dot bracelet. This bracelet comes in several different colors including blue (turquoise), Red (bakelite), Green (Bakeliet) and more recently I think I saw a green malachite but it wasnt very pretty. The other bracelet I got in Pasadena - Its only marked Taxco 980 but its so very Spratling - except every time I wear it, it reminds me of a domino. But is nicely done in a teak or mahogony wood.
I have RED DOTS RING - I have never seen one and I tried taking a pic but its really blurry - I posted it anyway and I'll try to get a better pic later.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
More - Heres my Response to the Guy
Roger - I'm so glad to hear you know how to treat sterling. Clearly, I was wrong in assuming that you polished them even if they are super shiny and the pics do seem much darker...and aside from the high polish (that you didnt do) the clips are fine. Thanks much Tia
Sellers Response that He Polished
Loved the email screaming - You would think sellers would be a bit more civil. Something like: Well, I didnt polish and maybe the pics were different OR How about this: Sorry you were unhappy, how about a refund?
Loved the email screaming - You would think sellers would be a bit more civil. Something like: Well, I didnt polish and maybe the pics were different OR How about this: Sorry you were unhappy, how about a refund?
Update On my Alleged Spratling Pieces

OK so my previous post said I scored a pair of SPRATLING fur clips on ebay. I just got them today and I swear they are fake. If that wasnt enough the idiot seller polished them to a high shine...Not being happy about that, I did send the seller an email asking them not to polish sterling items - Good Lord its called A PATINA - LEAVE IT ALONE! That, and its super bugs me that I get something different from the pics! You would think getting a fake would bug me more - but oddly enought it doesnt!! Quit polishing this shit - my god...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wow! More Spratling
I just scored a PAIR - count them - dos - SPRATLING fur pins. I know, I know, fur pins - not really practical, but I think I can pull 'em off on a jean jacket (jus clip em to the pocket).
Shared with the little one my Margot necklace - sorry gema, your sis has the necklace. You can discuss trade with her...
Shared with the little one my Margot necklace - sorry gema, your sis has the necklace. You can discuss trade with her...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Stupid blog ate my post! OK so here are all my Antonio Pieces. Ck out the starfish which I have not seen before and the very cool necklace I got on ebay BIN. Ha Ha.
I gathered them up this am and thought I would share them all with YOu!! Ok in the bracelets only the Thumpprint design one is not signed and prob a knockoff but still its a nice piece and quite substantial. I had to quit wearing it cuz it pops off.
i have two brooches one that you s4ee all the time - the other is a starfish that I have never seen before....unless I missed it in the Penny Morrill books.
The cuff with leaves is pretty cool and I took extra pics for you to look at - I have never seen it before and when I got it, the idiot seller had dipped it so its just now getting back its patina which it looks like its supposed to have.
All are marked with the Antonio Crown and 970 Taxco - The bracelet with the blue beads is FABULOUS and was in the recent Fowler exhibit. Its so huge and industrial I hardly wear it. Look for it on ebay. Ha Ha As if!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Here are some of my Matl Matilde Poutlat pieces - the brooch with the doves is really old - nicely marked with MATL. The other one with the amythest is an MS-12 but I liked it and with prices shooting up on Matl I thought it was a good deal. The earrings are great and are not MATL but are seriously Matl-like. I think they are Rodriguez - I love wearing them cuz they are posts - I didnt even have to convert them and they were cheap. Love 'em.
Friday, April 10, 2009
More Margot!

I'm thinking it might be Margot week. I heard chatter that there is a new Margot book coming out this spring...which as U might guess jacks up the prices. Not to brag but I have several, ok lots, of Margot - - necklaces, earrings, brooches, 5 or 6 bracelets. This is a pic of one of the ones I have in my Fabulous collection...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
My Margot Roman Numerals Necklace
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Aretes De Toluca
My Pajaritos Necklace
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I found this image of Mr. Cazares and his newly created fish necklace. I'm assuming the image was taken in Patzcuaro in his workshop. Note that the necklace has changed very little or not at all. I found of these on a website and the seller was asking $450. I thought that was little high but on the other hand, its probably cheaper than traveling to Patzcuaro and visiting Mr. Cazares personally.
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