This just popped up on ebay by the seller addieryta who sells lotsa mexican and taxco jewelrey. I thought this was of interest for 2 resons.
1) Its silvertone. What exactly is silvertone? Well, I can tell you what its not: Sterling. Most likely its a pot metal.
2) Its a Patzcuaro Miguel Covarrubias design which you know I really like.
I never considered 'silvertone' metals for such an iconic Patzcuaro piece. I guess this seller didnt want to go the xtra mile for sterling :(
Here is a pic of the back silvertone.

Opening bid is at $9.99 which is a good price for silvertone Patzcuaro.
Well, thanks for the plug! Wow, you are right—silvertone is certainly not sterling!! Had I been fortunate enough to find a Covarrubias sterling piece, I would be taking a vacation, instead of hanging around the interweb, curious to see why some blogger took the time to comment on my eBay listing. The piece is not pot metal; I would have said so if it was. Pot metal doesn’t show this kind of detail. It may be pewter; but since I wasn’t sure, I stuck to “silvertone.” You see when you don’t know something, you don’t make uneducated claims. By the way, the piece had 13 bids and sold for more than $50. So apparently there were people who didn’t have a problem with silvertone. Regards, addieryta
ReplyDeleteThanks addieryta! Hope you get a chance to search my blog and see my Miguuel Covarrubias necklace by Mr. Cazares. I knew your piece would sell for a good price - congrats!