FEDERICO JIMENEZ & ALLIE McGRAW (yes, the allie mcgraw)
This show was highly recommended and touted as theee show to go attend...the best exhibitors from around the world and even endorsed or attended by Oprah. I usually dont fall for the hype but I happened to be in the area so I went...OMG!
It was amazing with exhibitors from around the world (who knew!?)
So, one of the ladies said Federico was there (think Oaxacan earrings) so he is the one I looked for...I was not dissapointed.
His pieces were amazing - even more amazing was that nothing was marked...NOTHING - at every turn it was 'Fecderico, how much is this or How much are these?' Even with two handsome assistants, it was chaos cuz even the assitants were "Cuanto estos Federico?" But it was fun and I stayed at his booth for some time perusing his wares - with his Oaxacan style and even Matl stlye doves necklace - hmmmm, interesting.
I also saw and even purchased a very nice reboso in New Mexico colors (burnt orange and yellow). Although, the fringe was not as long as I like, I bought it anyway cuz I really liked it.
If you have been to Santa Fe it really is the land of enchantment - the scenery was stunning and sooo very post card-typical of New Mexico.
Yes, I also had to stop by and visit the MARK NAVARRO gallery - a wall, yes a wall, full of Spratling. Cases of Aguilar, Pineda, Los Castillo, and even HUBERT HARMON. The prices matched the quality and surroundings - mucho dinero - with Hector starting at about $4k...I didnt buy anything but it was fun seeing everything chatting with Mr. Gunther....Thanks!!
I had lots fun and would like to extend a special thanks to my friend that invited me and even had to talk me into going - which now I cant even believe I didnt want to go = = GRACIAS!!
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